Most people are aware of cloud computing. It’s this place or thing where I can store pictures, right? You can, and a whole lot more!
Cloud computing allows you to do such a lot, here are some examples you may not have heard of:
- Send emails or text messages
- Create 3D Graphics
- Perform Robotics
- Quantum Computing
The list of services that cloud computing offers is growing all the time and its amazing to see what the large organisations in the cloud can offer.
The ease at which we are able to source the compute power to perform all these tasks come with a price. That price is the power that is required to keep these services running and available.
For a long time now cloud computing has known there is a problem with compute, take a look at this article from the UK news paper The Guardian back in 2010!
Since then, there has been a lot of Greenwashing regarding cloud computing where the big organisations have done some work in trying to ensure their energy demands are matched with renewable energy with the use of Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) and Renewable Energy Contracts (REC’s) - and these do some good because they drive the demand for renewables. They don’t however ensure that for example on a cloudy, windless day in Oaklahoma where does the energy come from for the cloud compute tasks?
This is where GreenCloud can win.
We can deploy our serverless compute tasks where the energy is - and make use or renewable energy sources to power computing!
Why do this?
There has to be a better way to offer computing services and we set about to address this.
With GreenCloud we have created a system that allows software developers to run their software with complete confidence they are using renewable energy to do so.
Modern internet connections are stable and FAST. Combine this with the ever increasing power of the home computer and you start to see there is a cloud out there that simply needs organising. This is where GreenCloud comes in.
How Green Cloud works
Like all good ideas - it’s simple!
- Write your code
- Deploy It.
- Execute it.
If you don’t like using a command line - head over to the web site. You can do just the same using the web site.
But I’m not a software developer
No problem!
There is a place in GreenCloud for you! If you own a computer and can show us that it is powered by renewable energy, either by solar or being registered on a renewable energy tariff with your energy supplier, then you can join.
What is even better, the more machines you add to your GreenCloud account, the more you can earn! Yes, thats right - we pay you for becoming a GreenCloud member.
Its really that simple - the more work your computers do, the more you earn. We simply calculate what has happened at the end of the month and pay you a proportional amount of all the work that GreenCloud has done that month.
Is it safe?
GreenCloud is always in charge of what is happening. We monitor and assess everything that is happening within GreenCloud.
Software developers cannot talk directly to your computer, they have to ask GreenCloud to use your computer.
This keeps your computer safe.
All of our communications are heavily encrypted and we put a lot of effort into making sure we keep GreenCloud safe and working well.
I like this, where can I join ?
Its easy, simply sign up at
Concluding words
Two years ago we set out to create a new way to perform cloud computing that would help to resolve the energy problem that cloud computing is facing.
We believe we have a solution and are excited about the future for GreenCloud. It is our vision that we no longer need to rely on just the data centers for our computing needs, but that as everyone is now connected on the internet then why not share that connectivity and we all benefit!
Thank you for your time and we welcome you to join us!