
Azion Edge Functions
Core Offerings

Functions as a Service
Worker.js Environment
Edge DataBase

RedHat OpenShift
Core Offerings

Functions as a Service
Worker.js Environment
Edge DataBase

Azion Edge Functions
Functions Languages

Dockerized container

RedHat OpenShift
Functions Languages

Dockerized container

Azion Edge Functions

Green Energy

RedHat OpenShift

Green Energy

Azion Edge Functions
Container and Kubernetes

Docker Support
Docker Private Registry
Kubernetes Support
Managed Kubernetes

RedHat OpenShift
Container and Kubernetes

Docker Support
Docker Private Registry
Kubernetes Support
Managed Kubernetes

Azion Edge Functions
Execution and Limits

Default Memory (MB)
Max. Memory (MB)
Execution Time (ms)
Max. Execution Time (ms)
Request Payload (MB)
Response Payload (MB)

RedHat OpenShift
Execution and Limits

Default Memory (MB)
Max. Memory (MB)
Execution Time (ms)
Max. Execution Time (ms)
Request Payload (MB)
Response Payload (MB)

Azion Edge Functions
Regional Availability

Available Regions
Azion has plenty of pops in Latin America, and a few in western European and Northern America

RedHat OpenShift
Regional Availability

Available Regions
Wherever your own pops are


Core Offerings

Azion Edge Functions

RedHat OpenShift

Functions as a Service
Worker.js Environment
Edge DataBase

Functions Languages

Azion Edge Functions

RedHat OpenShift

Supported Languages
Dockerized container


Azion Edge Functions

RedHat OpenShift

Green Energy

Container and Kubernetes

Azion Edge Functions

RedHat OpenShift

Docker Support
Docker Private Registry
Kubernetes Support
Managed Kubernetes

Execution and Limits

Azion Edge Functions

RedHat OpenShift

Default Memory (MB)
Max. Memory (MB)
Execution Time (ms)
Max. Execution Time (ms)
Request Payload (MB)
Response Payload (MB)

Regional Availability

Azion Edge Functions

RedHat OpenShift

Azion has plenty of pops in Latin America, and a few in western European and Northern America
Available Regions
Wherever your own pops are