
unknown Overview

What is

Fly is an opensource runtime for edge apps, Fly offers a paid hosted version of their product as well. This provider will focus on the paid hosted version. is one of the few companies and products that has a full range of tools alongside their actual product, which makes them an ideal candidate for curious developers and new companies to experiment.

Everything they do is docker based, and their networking abstraction is top notch, it’s clear Fly will play a major role in turning the space into a more user-friendly one. Fly’s ambitious mission to make application distribution as ubiquitous as CDNs sets the bar for any contenter willing to compete. Features

Core Offerings

Functions as a Service
Worker.js Environment
Edge DataBase

Functions Languages


Green Energy

Container and Kubernetes

Docker Support
Docker Private Registry
Kubernetes Support
Managed Kubernetes

Execution and Limits

Default Memory (MB)
Max. Memory (MB)
Execution Time (ms)
No limit
Max. Execution Time (ms)
No limit
Request Payload (MB)
No limit
Response Payload (MB)
No limit

Regional Availability

Available Regions