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Webscale (Formerly Section)

Not bound by either containers or 'functions'

Webscale Overview

What is Webscale

Webscale, formerly known as Section.io, is a forward-thinking company that has positioned itself as a leader in the industry, ensuring its relevance for the next decade.

Designed by developers for developers, Webscale prioritizes an API-first approach and seamless CI/CD integration, complemented by BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) routing. This combination ensures a smooth and efficient experience for running applications close to the end-user.

What sets Webscale apart is its unique ability to visualize the flow of cloud applications in internet terms. This feature provides users with exceptional insights into their applications' locations and performance.

Webscale’s potential for success as a scale-up company is significantly bolstered by its strategic partnership with Centurylink.

Webscale Features

Core Offerings

Functions as a Service
Worker.js Environment
Edge DataBase

Functions Languages

Not bound by either containers or 'functions'


Green Energy

Container and Kubernetes

Docker Support
Docker Private Registry
Kubernetes Support
Managed Kubernetes

Execution and Limits

Default Memory (MB)
Max. Memory (MB)
Execution Time (ms)
Max. Execution Time (ms)
Request Payload (MB)
Response Payload (MB)

Regional Availability

Available Regions